A message from Team HK Audio on the current global situation
1. April 2020To everyone in the HK Audio family,
During these incredibly difficult times, we’re taking the recommendations of experts and the Federal Government very seriously and showing solidarity in the fight against the containment of the corona virus.
We also want you to know that we are there for you too, as and when you need us.
Like many of you right now, most of the HK team is currently working from home. Luckily, we can still get creative there, and so we will continue to provide you with the latest news, photos and videos on our products.
You can still reach us through all the usual channels. So get in touch whenever you want – we’re ready for you!
We want to look ahead positively with you, together, to create great things – even in such tough times – and to come through this ordeal stronger, together.
All the best, and stay healthy,
Your HK Audio team