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HK Audio to Showcase the Entire Install Portfolio and the Integrative COSMO Line Array at the 2019 ISE

HK Audio will be presenting its extensive range of install loudspeakers alongside the new COSMO family of integrative line arrays at booth H215 in hall 7 at the 2019 Integrated Systems Europe expo. Last year, HK Audio unveiled the new VORTIS 2 series install speakers developed in collaboration with Gräf & Meyer, a company specializing in evacuation systems, at the fair. The enterprises’ alliance in voice alarming continues.  Featuring many different models engineered to deliver high sound pressure levels, the EN 54 24:2008 certified loudspeaker series is the perfect solution even in environments with challenging acoustics and high noise levels.

Visitors to the HK Audio booth can also check out the ELEMENTS Install series, a system that has proven its merits in many venues around the world with long reverberation times. The CONTOUR X line, which debuted at last year’s prolight+sound show, will figure prominently. Equipped with versatile features such as rotatable horns, four NL4 Speakon ports with pin assignment switches, two monitor angles up, and many rigging and mounting options, these speakers can cover a wide range of applications.

And to top things off, visitors can discover the unique benefits of COSMO, the integrative line array system. Presented to the public for the first time at the 2018 prolight+sound, this remarkably versatile, readily configurable solution for professional sound reinforcement application is based on an ingenious concept that created quite the stir among audio experts. The rig featured at the 2019 ISE booth combines all three component types – the C6, C8 and C10 as well as the new CF118 – in one line array.

Learn more at hkaudio.com