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HK Audio welcomes new Indian distributor Integrated Entertainment Solutions

By teaming up with Integrated Entertainment Solutions (IES) (www.iesolns.com), HK Audio has found a veteran distributor in the field of “Professional Sound and Light” in India. Situated in Mumbai and active for 22 years, it has spun a wide network of dealers, integrators and channel partners. Now, IES is a renowned and experienced distributor with a proven track record, operating successfully on a healthy market. Powersoft and Penton are among their clients in the audio-department. Their Prolight portfolio comprises brand names, such as ROBE, Avolites, Anolis, madrix and others.  Having employed a great staff of trained and certified technicians, IES is focusing on customer-service and support.  “We give solutions rather than selling products to our customers.  That’s what separates us from our competitors. We are looking forward to working with HK Audio as a high-quality brand which sports the “Made in Germany” –tag and welcome the new products in the Indian Music- & Pro Audio-Arena.” (Rasesh Parekh, CEO Integrated Entertainment Solutions)