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HK Audio’s ELEMENTS series forms the backbone of a substantial new PA setup for Lenzie Union Church of Scotland.

Scottish integrators and installers, Toasty Audio, have been working with Lenzie Union Church of Scotland, on the outskirts of Glasgow, to deliver a brand-new audio system throughout the main sanctuary area.

Key to the solution is clarity and intelligibility of the music and especially the spoken word. As a traditional building, the main sanctuary is long and tall with a balcony to the rear.

“To deliver a consistent and distributed volume, we chose HK Audio ELEMENTS E 435 mini line arraysfor mid/highs throughout,” said Alaistair Deacon, owner/engineer at Toasty Audio. “Three pairs of E 435s are mounted along each length of the sanctuary with an additional pair as side-fill in the transept area. The excellent directivity spreads the sound evenly throughout the area, while minimizing reflections from the ceilings and floors, providing the clarity required.”

Bass is handled by two HK Audio E 210 SUB AS subwoofers on the floors in front of the main organ pipes.

Mixing and system integration is managed with the new PreSonus StudioLive Series III console and threeLab.gruppen E 8:2 Class D installation amplifiers. Multiple matrix outputs with associated EQ and delays were programmed into the StudioLive desk, driving the E 8:2s directly without any additional speaker management processors. Delays were set up throughout the system to minimise the reverberant effects within the long room. The StudioLive desk also provides for sermon recordings direct to SD card.

Margaret McCartney, convener of the communications team, said, “We were delighted with the way the team from Toasty Audio worked closely with us and the Church of Scotland’s Committee on Church Art and Architecture to ensure that the installation met all the architecture guidelines, with the speakers being very discrete and all the cabling hidden within the wall.”

The Rev Dan Carmichael said: “I was so impressed with the sound of the HK Audio speakers when they were demonstrated. I didn’t know that different speakers would have such an impact on the sound quality.”

The main sound system was complemented with HK Audio PREMIUM PR:0 10 XD monitors for the band area.