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Family Reunion and COSMO Demonstration at Prolight + Sound 2023

From April 25 to 28, 2023, it’s “Meet the HK Audio Family” again at Prolight + Sound in Frankfurt am Main. The HK Audio team is looking forward to valuable and productive conversations with customers and interested parties in a relaxed atmosphere.

The HK Audio booth Hall 11 C02 will feature the latest product innovations, such as the recently released LINEAR 5 MK II series, as well as the top products from the Concert Sound, Live Sound and Install Sound divisions. Our HK Audio product specialists will be available to provide detailed advice and information.

COSMO Experience

Daily at 10:30, 13:00, 14:30 and 17:00 the Integrative Line Array COSMO can be heard and experienced in an extensive setup at the Live Sound Arena F12 B01A. To celebrate the “Cosmo Experience,” there will be a grand raffle at 17:30 daily at the Hall 11 C02. The top prize is the popular and flexible HK Audio PREMIUM PR:O MOVE 8 battery powered speaker. We’ll also be giving away free tickets to a gin tasting by Quarantini, HK Audio backpacks, HK Audio GIN and more great and practical prizes from the HK Audio merchandise range.

HK Audio products at Prolight + Sound 2023

With LINEAR 5 MK II, the successful LINEAR 5 series has been completely revised, equipped with new loudspeakers and brought up to the latest state of the art. More power with less weight, more compact dimensions and remote controllable digital electronics, raise the daily work to a new level. The new LINEAR 5 MK II series is the optimal companion for professional performers and rental companies who need more than just a reliable and high-performance everyday tool. With expressive full-range and flexible multifunctional mid/high units, robust wooden cabinets, remotely controllable DSPs via network and DSP CONTROL software, preset-configurable cardioid setups for the series’ own subwoofers and a wide range of accessories, LINEAR 5 MK II is the powerful and innovative drive for anyone who wants to impress their audience every day.

The integrative and highly flexible COSMO line array system sets new standards in terms of sound reinforcement depth, logistics and cost-effectiveness, offering high coverage with uniform area sound reinforcement. The Multicell Transformer (MCT) reduces audible distortion and increases the usable sound pressure level for fatigue-free listening and satisfied listeners. The three-point compressed-mode rigging concept allows for easy changes in curvature and significantly simplified, time-saving set-up and tear-down.

The most advanced components , the latest measurement and simulation methods and relentless practical tests, based on the wishes and ideas of experienced users, are the cornerstones on which the CONTOUR X series makes the established point source family of HK Audio fit for the future. Modern high-performance woofers from renowned manufacturers and newly developed horns with an especially large mouth opening get the maximum acoustic performance out of the compact housings made of solid birch plywood. At the same time, the CONTOUR X series offers strikingly detailed midrange resolution with ultra-precise coverage and impressive bass response.

An answer to the current requirements for professional sound reinforcement is the new LINEAR 9 series. A comprehensive solution that sets new standards in maximum sound pressure level, throw and scalability. The easy-to-use remote software can control not only the DSP but also the unique DSP Out, which allows speakers without DSP to be seamlessly integrated into the system. Thanks to the durable construction and coating of the enclosures, this flexible solution with smart features is best suited for the rough and tumble of touring.

The HK Audio team is looking forward to your visit!

Hall: 11 C02
Demo: F12 B01