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Yorkville Sound takes HK Audio Portfolio to LDI Show 2018

HK Audios new distributor for the United States and Canada, Yorkville Sound, will be present at this year’s LIVEDESIGN INTERNATIONAL trade show at booth # 2645.

The LDI Trade Show And Conference is a 7-day event that takes place from October 15 to October 21, 2018 at the Las Vegas Convention, USA. The event offers the opportunity to meet some of the largest industry players and, with around 350 exhibiting companies or approximately 9500 participants, is one of the largest gatherings of live design professionals from across America.

Steve Hendee, Director of U.S. Sales for Yorkville Sound (in the picture on the left with Andreas Mayerl, Head of Market Development at HK Audio), is looking forward to this year’s trade fair presence, as with LUCAS 2K, LUCAS NANO, ELEMENTS, LINEAR3 and LINEAR 5 the entire MI portfolio of HK Audio is represented at the exhibition stand.

More about Yorkville and HK Audio:

